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  • Water soaked lesions with different shape and colours on the emerging spindle and young tender leaves
  • Dark brown spots develop on the tender leaves which later enlarge and dry up as the leaf emerges and leaflets will not open fully
  • Successive central shoots are affected, resulting in rotting of all the leaves on the crown
  • These lesions enlarge, coalesce leading to extensive rotting of spindle leaves
  • Extension of rotting into the interior of spindle resulting in decay and sometime rotting of buds
  • Tips of leaflets and midribs often become blackish, shriveled and fall off in wind, giving a ‘fan’ like or ‘arrow leaf’ appearance to the leaves
  • Successive infection of the emerging spindles results in appearance of symptoms in most of the leaves of the crown
  • Extensive lesions and their coalescing results in severe blighting of lamina
  • Breaking of ends of leaves which subsequently become yellow and eventually hang, dry and fall of

Control Measures

  • Remove and destroy severely affected / senile and uneconomic palms
  • Replant with healthy seedlings from elite palms and hybrid varieties tolerant to the leaf rot - root (wilt) disease complex. CGD and hybrids of CGD X WCT are tolerant under field conditions
  • Adopt all recommended practices viz agronomic, cultural, plant protection etc as applicable to root (wilt) disease endemic region
  • Clean the crown in general during pre-monsoon period.
  • Remove and destroy the rotten portions from the spear leaf and the 2-3 adjacent leaves
  • Pour 300 -1000 ml of fungicidal solution of 3g mancozeb in 300ml water at the base of spear
  • Spray crowns and leaves with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% Copper oxychloride formulation (5g/L) in January, April-May and September. While spraying, care should be taken to spray the spindle leaf and 2-3 adjacent leaves