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Tiny caterpillar makes holes on the flower bud, feeds on the inner content of the bud. It makes a circular hole on the corolla tube emerges and tunnels to move into other buds of the same shoot. Infested flowers turn violet in colour, and fall off.
In case of severe infestation, adjacent flower buds are webbed together by means of silken thread. The bud worm is a greenish larva with a black head. (C.0: Hendecasis duplifascialis).


Rake the soil during the off season to expose the pupae Set up light trap during the peak emergence of adult moths. Collect the damaged pinkish flowers once in a week and destroy to arrest further multiplication.
Spray neem seed kernel extract (50 gram/litre of water). Conserve larval parasitoids (Perilampus sp, Phanerotoma sp and Mesochrous sp.).